dog photography by

Dog photography based in Lancashire and North West England.
Capturing the beauty of your everyday life… creating art for your home.

If your interested in getting the best photographs of your beautiful dog then you are in the right place. I specialise in Dog photography and presenting your photographs in the best way possible. Digital files are great but they generally sit all sad and lonely on a hard drive and after the initial excitment of getting them they are rarely viewed. In my opinion for photographs to really shine they need to be printed. All of the products I supply are hand picked, made by crafts people and are designed to last a lifetime. If you have a wall in your house that your struggling for art ideas, doggy wall art makes for a great centre piece and can be a stunning addition to bring any room to life. best of all it will be a picture of your own dog!
My albums and Folio boxes also make great coffee table books and centrepieces and will keep your photographs in perfect condition for years to come and will provide you with a lasting memory of the true spirit of your dog when the time comes. (I know we cant bare thinking about any of that right now).
Here is some information you may find helpful. Please have a look around the site and if you require any more information then please get in touch however you feel most comfortable. Hope to join you on a walk soon,
We don’t all have perfectly trained dogs that sit on command lie down and wait until told to come
Your dog does not have to sit, lie down, roll over or do back flips! They just have to be themselves, whatever that might be because that’s what captures the true character and individuality of your dog.
Although leads can work in certain types of shot most people want their photos without. If your dog needs to remain on a lead I can remove them in post process. Some people are put off by the fact there dog has to stay on a lead.. don’t let this be you…
Every dog is different and has their own way of doing things.
I love a challenge!
This is Stanley.. He is a great character, an extremely energetic boy at only 10 months old and love to play with other dogs. He remained on his lead throughout the shoot and we got some fantastic shots that his family love.
Original photo straight out of camera
Original photo straight out of camera
Retouched image with lead removed
Retouched image with lead removed